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Lump on Nose, Piercing, under Skin, on Side, Tip, Nose Bridge, Removal

Lumps on nose can be so can be caused by different conditions including angioedema. This is a type of allergic reaction which leads to deep welts to form under the skin, usually on tips of nose and around eyes. Some allergens, like foods and medications, are able to trigger the reaction. These lumps my form under skin, on side of nose, and on nose ridge near eye.

Small lumps on the nose can develop on anyone’s skin. There are many skin conditions that can cause these lumps to occur.

Below is an insight on the lumps on the nose and how to remedy them.

Lump on my nose under skin

Lumps on nose that are beneath the skin, especially when they are appearing on nose, can be embarrassing and also very difficult to conceal. These lumps on nose that are beneath the skin may be accompanied by several symptoms, which include swelling, stinging, redness and also pain. These bumps are able to appear blister-like and also feel hot to touch.

There are also several other causes that are responsible for the formation of these lumps. Some of the causes might even be very much dangerous if they are left untreated. Therefore, it is crucial for the person affected to understand what leads to hard facial lumps and the ways that they might be remedied.

Pus and also oil might as well collect inside the hard bumps. They are able to appear as a single bump on the nose or even cover larger areas of face and body. In very extreme cases, the bumps might and also accompany breathing problems through the nose.

Lump in Nose
Lump in Nose

To try to remedy the situation, wash the face using a gentle cleanser and also some warm water at least twice per day. Hold a wet washrag or even an ice pack to the lumps for some minutes to assist reduces inflammation and also the redness.

Causes of lumps on nose

Painful lumps on nose can be an indication of a sign of acne. It’s a condition which affects the hair follicles in pores. The pores have sebaceous glands, which then produce oil called sebum, which assists in softening the hair and skin.

But, an overproduction of keratin is able to block skin pores with extra dead skin cells or even the oil; this normally happens during adolescence or at other times when the hormones fluctuate.

Excess sebum makes the glands to harden, and thus lumps on nose. Although pimples or even the bumps are normally found on face or other visible areas of skin, the bumps might show up inside the nose also.

Other triggers of acne are emotional stress, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, poor digestion, and also candida or even yeast overgrowth.

Acne is not the only cause. The following are also other potential causes of a lump that is inside the nostril:

  • Herpes: An infection of the herpes simplex virus is known to cause sores on around the mouth and nose.  These nasal ulcers from herpes can turn up as a cluster, or you could have just one. They tend to be very painful.
  • Nasal furuncles: a lump on nose leading to nasal furuncles is caused by bacterial infection. These are the deeper infections, or boils, which show up inside the nose. Nasal furuncles are usually considered serious as they can lead to cellulitis, which is a skin infection which can spread to bloodstream. Sometimes cellulitis can cause death, if the bacterium that is responsible is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aurous.
  • Bacterial infection: Some bacteria take residence in the skin of nose. Therefore, any damage done on the nose skin either picking or dry cold weather awaken bacterial growth that leads to painful bumps
  • Nasal polyps:Nasal polyps, or even a bump that is inside the nose’s cartilage, are another common cause of a painful bump inside nose. They form due to chronic inflammation of nose’s mucous membrane.
  • Excessive nose picking:Remember that when your mother told you not to pick nose? Maybe she was on to something. Excessively picking of the nose can also lead to a bump in nose from damaging the hair follicles and also introducing the bacteria. Damaged follicles make it much easy for bacteria to lead to a possible infection.
  • Folliculitis:Bacteria can as well get inside the pores, which can lead to an irritation, inflammation, and also redness that makes the bump tender and also painful, and can cause infections like folliculitis, or nasal vestibulitis. It can lead to one or even more red or white bumps that are found inside the nostril opening. The most common cause of folliculitis is Staphylococcus bacteria. Frequent picking or even blowing the nose can lead to or aggravate the condition.
  • Cavernous sinus thrombosis:It’s very rare, but sometimes a lump on nose is indicative of a dangerous condition known as cavernous sinus thrombosis. This condition also forms when an infected furuncle in nose creates a blood clot in a large vein that is located at the base of the skull, or even the cavernous sinus.
  • Nose piercing: This may lead to development of wound that can enlarge in case it takes time to heal making the bacteria residing in our body to appear on the wound making it more sore than expected. It is also possible for one to end up with an infected bump around their nose piercing
  • Squeezing the bumps:It’s not a very good idea to squeeze the bump inside the nose. While it’s true that a lump on nose hurts, squeezing it can aggravate the infection and also increase the likelihood that it can spread deeper inside the nose.


To prevent the formation of hard lumps on nose beneath the facial skin, it is crucial to understand what triggers leads to the attacks. Keep a diary to the pinpoint specific substances or even food ingredients which appear to trigger an attack.

To prevent nodules as well as the cysts, avoid creamy facial products and cosmetics which are able to irritate the skin and also block the pores. Use over-the-counter acne treatments daily so as to prevent new acne formations from cropping up.


In severe cases, the appearance of hard bumps on the skin of the face can be an indication of a dangerous allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock.

If the facial lumps on nose are usually accompanied by breathing complications, loss of consciousness or even a drop in blood pressure, then seek medical attention immediately. To prevent any death, an injection of epinephrine might be required.

Lump on side of nose

Lump on nose appears like one of hair follicles that are inside the nose which is infected. Perhaps as a boil, where one of nose hairs has been pulled and thus the dead follicle is then infected. This is normally felt as a hard painful lump which is the size of a small pea under skin on side of nose. If you scratch it out, then you get a mild relief but it just comes back over a period of time.

Lump on side of Nose
Lump on side of Nose

The only option that is available is to have the thing properly taken out by a qualified doctor, should be just a quick painless scratch by use of a surgical tool so as to properly dig it out and thereafter antibiotics is used.

Lump on nose piercing

Nose piercing is something that is done by many people especially women all over the world. A successful piercing will make people look more beautiful especially when they wear a good jewelry. However, not all piercing heals successfully.

If the nose piercing gets infected, it may lead to scarring in the affected area and also pain. In most cases, a lump may appear after a few days or months after piercing.

The following could cause lumps on the nose after piercing:

  • Poor piercing technique: This includes the use of unsterilized equipment such as needle that may infect the wound with bacteria and other micro-organisms. It may also involve following the wrong procedure when piercing. This is why it is advisable to for the piercing to be done by a piercing professional.
  • Touching: This occurs when you transfer disease-causing germs from piercer’s hands to tools or directly to the ears. Touching may also involve disturbing the jewelry which brings a risk of causing some injuries which in turn allow germs.
  • Poor quality jewelry: You will be infected if the jewelry you wear led to irritation that causes itching. Constant itching makes the skin delicate paving the way for micro-organisms. Micro-organisms, therefore, act as antigens which trigger the body’s immune system leading to the formation of pus after inflammation.
  • Removing or occasionally changing the jewelry– removing your jewelry leaves a hole which can be occupied by germs. There is also a risk of jewelry getting infected when removed and thus increases the risk of getting infected.
  • Swimming in contaminated water pools– you are aware that dirty water is infested with a lot of bacteria that can cause infections.
  • Injury on the piercing hole causing trauma to the piercing– injuries lead to fresh wounds which are highly susceptible to infections.

Lump on nose tip

The left side of the nose is depressed, which makes the “bump” appear bigger. The most definitive and also a reliable method of the treatment would be a revision of rhinoplasty.

A lump on the tip of the nose can be very visible and aesthetically uncomfortable. If you do not treat them, the lumps can become infected and quickly unsightly because it is not easy to conceal such growth on the tip of the nose.

If the small bump on tip of nose is just a pimple or zit, do not pick it, or disturb it. It will clear on its own. However, if it is recurrent, try some home remedies for pimples and other topical treatments to avoid leaving a dark spot when the bump clears.

Lump on Tip of Nose
Lump on Tip of Nose

The cartilage on left side of the tip is in a different position or has a different contour than the identical cartilage on the right side, whether this is to do with the original trauma or even the subsequent surgery.

Bumps on Nose Bridge near eye

The first cause of nose bridge bumps is pimples. These are essentially the same pimples due to blocked sebaceous glands that appear on the nose. They can become painful and infected but usually go away on their own with time.

Secondly, it can be hereditary. People with a nose bridge bump suffer from a very common aesthetic facial disproportion, specifically a bump, or hump on the bridge of the nose. Most nasal bridge bumps are developing as a result of hereditary development, as there is an overgrowth of the nasal cartilages and bones leading to a convexity or “bump” on the bridge of the nose.

Occasionally, traumatic injury to the nose suffered during adolescent or childhood development can result in overgrowth of the bone and cartilage on the bridge of the nose leading to a bump as well.

Any other cause we have discussed can also cause bumps on bridge of your nose near eye

Lumps on nose after Rhinoplasty

It is normal to have to swell in the tip and base of the nose for months after open rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty requires aesthetic and technical prowess to achieve perfect results. In the early postoperative period, edema sets in the nasal skin and subcutaneous tissue and can obscure the actual results of the soft tissue Even though you don’t see huge changes at three months; your nose is still evolving and typically will make its greatest change between 8-12 months post-surgery.

Cartilage ‘lumps’ that you feel may represent tiny remnants or shavings of cartilage that remained following the procedure.  These small bits of cartilage are usually resorbed over time.  They may also represent edges of the sculpted nasal cartilages which often smoothens over time

Lump on nose after rhinoplasty could be settled through conservative steroid injections. Cartilage and bone problems may require revision surgery, you should, therefore, wait for a full year for post-surgery to attempt corrective surgery. Only your surgeon would know which of these situations applies to you and can best advise you as to the benefits of massaging these areas or patiently awaiting their spontaneous resolution.

Lump on nose removal

Removing a lump on the nose is a part of a rhinoplasty. A change in one part usually requires changes in another part.

Sometimes, if the lump is small, it can be removed without fracturing the bones. However, most of the time, reducing the bump changes the shape of the bones.

Removing bump without fracture

This is done to reconcile the three-dimensional relationships of the nose as it relates to the rest of the face. If it is not done, the nose could have a pushed appearance.

Removing the bump with rhinoplasty

If the lump is small, removing it may leave your nose looking normal. On the other hand, if the lump is large, it may leave an overly wide bridge. Rhinoplasty surgeon after evaluating the dorsum gives you advice on how to handle the situation. If the dorsum is too wide after the reduction, osteotomies are needed to allow the sidewalls to move into narrow the dorsum.

How to get rid of lump on nose Home remedies

Once a lump is detected at the site of the nose piercing, you can take it to a dermatologist for an expert opinion.  A bump may develop near the hole of your nose piercing as a result of poor nose piercing care, inappropriate jewelry or trauma. Although these bumps are benign and harmless, but they may not have a good look and sometimes they can become itchy. Therefore there are various treatments you can use to get rid of them, they include the following:

1. Use Sea Salt Soak

After you get your piercing done, perhaps the first advice you would get from anyone who has had experience with piercing is to soak the pierced area in sea salt. This is the fastest and easiest way of controlling bumps that may develop on your nose after piercing. This treatment helps to reduce the size of your bump that will eventually disappear after a period of 1-3 month. It is found to be extremely effective in avoiding infections and also to get rid of the bump

But how’s it done? The following is the procedure on how to use sea salt soak:

  • Add a ¼ teaspoonful of sea salt in hot water and stir well to make a solution.
  • Allow the salt solution to cool slightly.
  • Using a cotton pad or ball, dip it into the solution and hold it over the bump for two minutes until it cools off.
  • Repeat the procedure for several times twice a day using a new cotton pad.
  • Rinse the pierced area with warm water to remove all the salt residues and dirty.
  • Dry the area with a clean towel after the sea salt soak.

2. Tea Tree Oil

When considering home remedies, it is always best to have tea tree oil in mind. This natural oil also has the ability to treat infected nose piercing and lumps. It contains antibacterial properties that help in treating various skin blemishes.

  • Buy diluted tea tree oil from a natural store
  • You have to use a cotton ball dipped in tea tree oil and place it on the lump.
  • You would have to place the cotton ball on the affected area for about 5 – 10 minutes.
  • You would have to rinse your face afterward but you can do it about 2 – 3 times a day to make it effective.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. For these reasons, it’s a good idea to include coconut oil in the diet to help treat a lump inside the nose.

4. Lemon Juice

Lemon is also an effective home remedy for treating nose piercing bump. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and therefore it a guarantee that it will dry lumps faster than ever.

To use this remedy:

  • You obtain a fresh lemon and cut it into two pieces.
  • Squeeze them to obtain a juice
  • Dilute it with some water
  • Apply on the affected area three times a day.
  • Repeat the procedure until the bump disappears.

5. Honey

Honey is widely known for its natural antibiotic nature and can be naturally obtained. Honey was used from the ancient time in healing various skin infections due to its healing properties. It, therefore, has the ability to treat nose lumps that develop after piercing.

The following is the procedure you should observe to use honey effectively:

  • You simply use a cotton ball to apply natural raw honey directly on the affected area
  • Leave the honey on the pimple for about 30 minutes
  • Wash the skin with warm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the procedure daily until your condition improves.

6. Baking soda

Baking soda could be mixed with other ingredients available at home to make solutions. Baking soda can help exfoliate the skin properly. This remedy helps get rid of the excess oil, skin, and dirt from your skin. The following is the procedure to use baking soda:

  • Mix baking soda with lemon juice until you create a thick paste.
  • Place the paste on the affected area of your nose.
  • Let the paste dry for a few minutes.
  • Wash your face with warm water after the paste has dried.
  • Repeat this twice a day every day until the lump on your nose or any affected area of your skin disappears

7. Ice

Ice is a common home remedy. It is well known to reduce the swelling and inflammation of lumps on the skin. Ice could help in improving blood circulation of the skin on the affected area of the nose:

  • Cover ice cubes with a clean cloth
  • Place the cloth with cubes on the affected area of your nose
  • Do this often until the swelling heals

8.  Aspirin paste

It contains an anti-inflammatory property that relieves the itchy sensation as well as promoting the healing process by reducing the redness and swelling. The following is how aspirin paste is used:

  • Mix a bottle of aspirin into a glass with only a little water so that it dissolves into a paste.
  • Apply the mixture each night before you sleep for a few days.
  • During this time, the aspirin paste will help to remove the irritation and allow the infection to drain.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar to get rid of nose lump

Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties that can help get rid of the bacteria that causes lumps on the nose. The following is the procedure for effective use of apple cider vinegar:

  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar with water so that you will not be too overpowered by the smell.
  • Place a small amount of apple cider vinegar mixed in with water on the pimples.
  • You may have to do this every day to get the best results possible.

10. Chamomile tea

You may choose to use chamomile tea because it contains wonderful anti-inflammatory and calming properties. The following is the procedure you may use:

  • Put a few chamomile tea bags in hot water.
  • Once you leave the bags in the hot water for a minute or so, remove one bag.
  • Use that bag to compress on your nose lump, keep it on the affected area until it cools down.
  • You should do this three times daily, making sure to leave the compress on for at least 10 minutes.

11. Fatty acids

A mixture of essential fatty acids can put an end to skin inflammation and improving bump inside your nose. A diet rich in omega-3 may include ground flaxseed oil, and fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel.

12. Balance Diet

Unbalanced or poor diet can contribute to bumps inside the nose. A high insulin level can increase skin inflammation, so maintaining a low glycemic diet, including meat and non-starchy vegetables like cabbages can help

Published in Nose