A number of different mouth sores or infections in your mouth and gums can develop into pimples. Pimples on gums can be painful and unsightly. This can occur after a root canal or tooth extraction. A pimple like bump can develop on gum in mouth, above or below tooth. In this post, explore more on the causes, symptoms and how to get rid with home remedies.

A pimple in mouth on gum can develop anywhere including on the gum line, above tooth and below tooth. A pimple like bump on your gums can due to infection, mouth sores in and around the mouth. While some may be painful, other bumps on gums don’t hurt or cause no pain at all. Pimple in your gums may be a sign of serious health concern like gum cancer, though rare.
If you believe it is an infection, consult your doctor as soon as possible. If a pimple in your gum doesn’t go away within 10 days, have it checked by your dentist. Other cause of pimples in your gums can be healed or cured using simple home remedies. Read more to find out how to get rid of pimples in your mouth and gums.
Can you get pimple on your gums?
To start off, pimples on skin are caused by clogged pores. Usually if there’s overproduction of sebum which collects dirt and sweat, the tiny pores of skin end up blocked. In the process, you risk infection which leads to a pimple like bump.
Pimple on gums will appear like bumps usually small in size and white or yellowish. These bumps are usually pus – filled.
It is possible to get pimple like bumps on your gums. There are certain conditions including infection that cause such occurrence. They include:
- Oral infections, bacterial and viral infections
- Gum diseases
- Tooth decay
- Tooth extractions/ implantations
- Root canal
- Heavy smoking
- Cold sores
- Canker sores
- Candidiasis
- Oral cancer
Some of the above listed conditions may not directly cause pimple on gums but can cause sores in mouth and gum that appear like pimples. We shall look in details each condition and how it cause pimples on your gums.
Pimple on gums possible causes
What are the possible causes of pimple on gums? When discussing pimples in mouth and gums, there are quite a number of different causes. Most of which begin as infections. We will give you in details each cause and how you can treat and get rid of pimples in your gums.
Here are the causes. They include;
1. Oral infections
Infection in the mouth and gums is the one common cause of pimples on your gums. This can be attributed to poor oral hygiene and dental conditions. Infection on gums will result into a dental abscess. Some of the infections include:
Viral or bacterial infections: viral infections such as mouth and gum ulcers are the primary cause of pimples or sores on gums. They may however not last longer. If you have bad habit in maintaining your oral hygiene between teeth and gums, you provide a good condition for bacteria to thrive in. in addition, wearing dentures can cause infections. You should regularly brush your teeth to avoid bacterial build up.
2. Gum Disease
The pimples on your gums could also arise from gum diseases. Gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontal disease could cause small pimple like bumps on gum line. It is obvious when you have a poor oral and dental hygiene, it is easy for bacteria to build up on your gums and between teeth causing the gum diseases.
Failure to brush your teeth regularly or you stop flossing your teeth is the primary cause for the diseases thus lumps on your gums that appear like pimples. It is simple to treat or get rid of pimples on your gums. At home, rinse your mouth with salt water.
3. Cankers
Ulcer or sores in your mouth and gums appearing as tiny or small spots could be canker sores. These are the common causes of white spots on the gums. The spots normally appear start as red pimple like bumps. They often have a white or yellow spot at the center.
A canker sore is usually accompanied by a burning pain which can get worse if you eat or drink acidic food. If the cause of pimples on gums is by canker sores, you should quit taking any food that is acidic.
Mild cases of canker sores should heal on their own within a week. But if the case is major, treatment will include: mouth rinses, topical treatment and oral medications to reduce inflammation and pain. Home remedy will include rinsing your mouth with salt water.
4. Pimple on gums after tooth extraction
Is it possible to develop pimples on your gums after tooth extraction? Bumps on gums that appear like pimples after tooth extraction may actually not be pimples. These kinds of gum pimples shouldn’t be a cause of concern. They shouldn’t cause pain either unless it is an indication of another underlying cause other than tooth extraction.
The bumps that appear like pimples on your gums when you extract a tooth, is usually a blood filled bump. This is normal as healing begins soon after you extract a tooth.
5. After Root canal
You may also notice a pimple like bump after root canal. This is a normal occurrence. It is common to develop small raised spots on gums or spaces between teeth after root canal treatment. A pimple appearing after root canal procedure is actually a sign of healthy recovery process. Such pimples appearing on gums are painless. If you happen to experience pain; make an appointment with your dentist for examination and treatment.
6. Heavy Smoking
Heavy smoking is also another cause of pimples on gums. Heavy smoking has a greater risk to make you suffer from gum diseases. Generally, smoking will weaken your immune system. In the event you develop gum diseases, it makes it hard for your immune system to fight off these diseases. Additionally, smokers who develop pimples on their gums generally take long to heal.
7. Gum diseases
A pimple on gum could be a sign of a gum disease. Gum disease such as periodontal disease can cause gum inflammation in severe cases, you may end up losing your teeth. People who don’t regularly clean their brush are susceptible.
Other than periodontitis, gingivitis can also cause cyst on gums. It is an inflammation of the gum usually cause by buildup of plaque. The symptoms are gum redness, swelling and bleeding.
8. Gum Cancer
Cancer of the gum is a rare condition. Needless to say, pimples on gums could actually be cancer. But you shouldn’t be worried. If you suspect a lump or pimple on gums could be cancer, visit your healthcare provider to determine that.
9. Dental abscess
Abscess on gum is another cause for pimple like bumps on gums. Abscess is usually a collection of pus. What appears as pimples on gums could actually be abscess. The affected area is usually red, sore and feels tender can be painful to touch.
10. Candidiasis
White spots appearing in the mouth, throat and lining of the gums could be candidiasis. It is a fungal infection caused by yeast. The symptoms include white spots.
Other causes:
Other causes of gum pimples include:
- Cold sores
White pimple my gum
White pimples on your gums could be canker sores. These are small spots that begin as red pimples usually have white or yellow spot at the center surrounded by red edges. A canker sore could be mild or severe. A less severe case of canker sores should be able to heal on its own within 10 days. But a severe case requires treatment.

Pimple on gums above or below tooth
Gum pimple can appear anywhere. It could be above or below teeth. This could mean a number of possible causes. As mentioned earlier, a pimple appearing on gums could be a s a results of oral infections, tooth decay, abscess and among other causes discussed in the post.
While it is important to determine the underlying cause, homes remedy such as rinsing your mouth with salt water can help cure gum pimples.

Pimples on gums symptoms
The symptoms for gum pimples include:
Pus-filled sore
Bumps or lumps on gum that are pus-filled are an indication of abscess. Abscess is a collection of pus or fluid and other foreign materials. This is basically a sign of infection. Antibiotics may be used to fight bacterial infection healing the infection.
Small lump on gum line
A pimple on gum will start as a small lesion on gum line. This can be seen between your gums below or above tooth. Inflamed gums will show small or tiny red spots on the gums
Pimple on gums no pain
Generally, raised bumps like pimples or lumps are painless unless they are infected. The lumps only turn sore if the gums are infected. Other symptoms of infection include red sores, pus filled bumps and tender gums usually painful to touch
Pimples on gums home remedy
Treating a pimple on your gums at home shouldn’t be a problem. Here are some of the measures to get rid of pimples on your gums:
Gargling with salt water
Rinsing your mouth with salt is one of the easiest and effective home remedy to get rid of gum pimples. Here’s how to do it:
- Add one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water
- Stir the mixture thoroughly
- Gargle couple times a day
Brush properly
Poor oral hygiene is one of the primary cause of gum pimple. To get rid of such pimples, keeping good oral and dental hygiene is key to successful treatment. You need to brush your teeth regularly. This should be at least twice daily.
Dental floss helps to remove buildup of plaque responsible for bacterial infection.
Home remedies are to help get quick relief. But, the underlying cause may not have been treated completely. You should seek medical help to determine the underlying cause for effective treatment. Although rare, gum cancer can start as a lump or pimple on gum. A visit to the dentist is key to successful treatment.
Treating a gum pimple entirely depends on the underlying cause. It may require a professional. But you can still cure gum pimple with home remedy. If the cause is tooth abscess, you have to get treatment from your dentist.
For viral and bacterial infections, antibiotics and antiviral drugs will be administered. Large pimples can be removed through surgical procedures. In most cases, pimples on gums will heal on their own with time. Treatment only happens if the cause is a concern.
You shouldn’t be concerned if there is a recurring pimple on your gum. This can happen almost immediately after root canal. The pimple can be noticed just above the tooth where the root canal was performed. A pimple that appears after root canal is usually a sign of healthy recovery.
Sources and references:
- https://helpyourback.org/health/pimple-on-gums/
- http://woundcaresociety.org/causes-pimples-gums
- https://www.wowremedies.com/pimple-on-gums/
- http://www.toothwisdomu.com/gum-pimple.html
- https://www.emergencydentistsusa.com/gum-boils-what-they-are-what-causes-them-what-to-do-about-them/
- https://www.medicinenet.com/gum_problems/article.htm
- https://www.healthline.com/health/white-spots-on-gums – treatment