This article will surely help you to get rid of an itchy nose fast. The itchy nose can be a difficult condition to live with.…
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Smelly mucus in noseand throat can be a clear sign of sinus infection. The infection of the sinus is also known as sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis…
Comments closedNose piercing is a very common practice nowadays. In most cases, it is common for small bump to occur inside the nose or on the…
Comments closedHaving a swollen nose bridge or glands is annoying. The swelling can be as a result of nose piercing or any other underlying cause. In…
Comments closedWhat are these red patches and spots on my nose? Spot on nose can mean different things. Whether inside nose or on the bridge of…
Comments closedLumps on nose can be so can be caused by different conditions including angioedema. This is a type of allergic reaction which leads to deep…
Comments closedLarge pores on nose tend to be very unsightly. An enlarged pore has the potential to make you worried due to uncertainty on whether it…
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