Nose piercing is a very common practice nowadays. In most cases, it is common for small bump to occur inside the nose or on the piercing. Nose piercing bump may come up as a result of several reasons including; allergic reactions, infections, injury, or poor piercing procedure. Some bumps are normal and clear on their own while others imply presence of underlying health problems. These are accompanied with symptoms such as;
- Redness, tenderness and swelling
- Yellow or green discharge
- Constant pain and itching
- Continuous bleeding and pus discharge
Nose Piercing Bump
In case you observe these symptoms, this article gives you a guideline on how to identify the kind of bump you have on your nose piercing, the cause, and symptoms and how to care and treat these bumps.
Nose piercing bump inside nose
Are you having a bump inside your nose? This could be as a result of several causes including; infections, allergic reactions, poor piercing technique among other causes. These bumps need medical attention, you can also use some home remedies to get rid of them. The following is an insight on some of the most common causes for this condition;
- An injury or trauma on the piercing: an injury causes trauma to the piercing, this may cause damage to the surrounding tissues. Injuries trigger nose piercing pain and delay the healing process as well as risking for development of a bump. Cause of trauma could be when the jewelry is knocked or when it is removed and re-inserted in the piercing.
- Poor hygiene and wound care are the other possible cause of having a bump inside your nose after piercing. After piercing, you are advised to keep the area clean and dry, this prevents the bacteria accumulation that could lead to an infection. You should therefore avoid touching or removing the nose ring until the wound is completely healed.
- Poor quality jewelry: fake jewelry contains materials and substances such as nickel and cobalt that cause allergic reactions. These reactions could lead to infections, rejection, migration, or bumps. You should therefore ensure that you use high quality jewelry made of materials like gold, titanium or stainless steel since they are less reactive to your body.
- Wrong piercing technique: if you don’t observe proper piercing procedure like consulting a piercing professional, it may lead to poor piercing which could cause bumps from inside of your nose or outside. These bumps are highly vulnerable to infections and could end up delaying the healing.
Nose piercing bump keloid
If you have nose piercing bump that won’t go away, it is most likely that it is a keloid on the nose. Keloids are scar tissue that often form after body piercing and can leave a white bump around the piercing; they are response to an injury or trauma. They develop on skin after piercing, surgery, acne or any other accident that causes trauma to the skin. They can develop on any part of the skin that is affected but are common on the chest, back and ear. The nose can develop keloid on the upper or inner surface after piercing.
Research shows that some people are more prone to developing keloids than others and there is no way to prevent them forming. Chances of getting these bumps are high if you had them after first piercing. You are also at risk if your close family members have this condition. Darker skin is more vulnerable to keloids than lighter skin.
Keloid may develop on the areas around the piercing inside your nose. This may cause an itchy sensation if not treated; it may also increase in size and cause swelling of the nostril or the septum. Other common symptoms of this condition include;
- The bump will be shiny
- the bump starts off as red or purple before becoming brown
- inside nose, the bump will be hairless
- it feels hard and rubbery
- they are painless in most case but some can cause pain, tenderness, itchiness and a burning sensation
If this happens, you should see your doctor for the proper treatment. There are also some home remedies that could be used to remedy the situation naturally. You should also consider avoiding that piercing or any other deliberate cuts on the skin for a long time. Common treatments you offered for this condition include;
- A steroid injection
- Laser treatment to reduce redness
- Daily application of silicone gel
- Applying steroid-impregnated tape for a day
- Freezing the keloid with liquid nitrogen
- Surgery followed by radiotherapy
Nose piercing bump popped
It is advisable that you don’t try and pop or drain a nose piercing bump, no matter how painful or irritating it gets. This is because breaking your skin not only increases the risk of picking up infections but also adds on the time taken for the wound to heal completely.
In case you pop your piercing bump, you should ensure that it remains clean and dry. This is achieved by gently wiping it using a clean piece of cloth or towel, dipped in an antiseptic solution. You should then keep your wound covered to avoid picking up dirt. If the wound takes more than a week to heal, it is important that you consult your doctor as soon as possible.
Nose piercing bump bleeding
A bump may develop on your piercing after healing. This may cause scarring or keloid on the affected area. A bump on nose that causes bleeding may develop a few days or months after piercing. This could be as a result of trauma on the piercing before it heals completely.
When your remove your jewelry and then re-insert it, or the piercing is knocked, the tissues around the jewelry become injured and can easily develop a bump. It may form either on the outer surface or inside the nose. The bump becomes red, tender and painful and if it is not treated on time, it may become infected and cause bleeding inside the nose. It may also lead to swelling of the nose on the affected part.
Use of an oversize jewelry to pierce nose causing friction to the nasal tissues- this can lead to a bump filled up with pus and blood commonly abscess or pustule that is very painful if not treated on time.
Bleeding can be caused by an infection such as granuloma, a non-cancerous body tissue growth that may develop on your piercing. Granuloma may bleed easily although they are not tender. The may also drain a clear or yellow discharge.
Nose piercing bump infection
Not all bumps on a pierced nose signify an infection. So how do you tell if what you are experiencing is an infected nose piercing bump? After having your nose pierced, you should keep it clean to avoid the infestation of the pierced area with staphylococcal strain of bacteria. This strand of bacteria is the common cause of piercing bump infection. In most cases, this infection starts as a small pimple that is often painful when touched. The pimple will continue to accumulate fluids forming a painful fluid filled bump on nose.

Pus is the most certain way of telling that you are dealing with an infection and if a pus-filled bump is left untreated, the infection could progress into an abscess or pustule. If detected early, the infection can be controlled to prevent the formation of a keloid. You should be on the loo out for the following signs and symptoms;
- Redness, tenderness, and swelling around the pierced area of the nose- it is normal for a new piercing to become red, tender and swollen for the first few days after piercing. If this doesn’t go away after two weeks, it may be an infection.
- Yellow or green discharge from the bump- this could appear on the first two weeks after the nose piercing- this discharge occurs normally during the first week after the session but when it persists for more than two weeks, it could be a bacterial infection. The discharge may also produce a foul smell.
- Pain and itching that proceeds for more than a week- feeling pain after piercing is normal, itchy feeling is also a sign of healing. When these conditions persist, it is a clear indication of an infection.
- Continuous bleeding, even for older nose piercing- its normal for a fresh piercing to bleed shortly after the procedure. It is however not normal for older piercing to bleed and this could be development of an infection.
- Pus filled bumps abscess- when the body reacts to foreign objects, it leads to accumulation of pus and blood in the piercing, commonly known as abscess. This is a sign of an infection on the wound.
- Fever, nausea and chills- these are signs of a chronic bacterial infection. This condition should be checked by the doctor immediately for treatment.
- Delayed healing process- healing period may differ from one person to another but when delayed for longer time, it may be a result of an infection. Normally, you are supposed to be free of piercing discomforts after three months from the session, any period beyond that should be closely observed.
Although nose piercing infections are unlikely to occur if proper aftercare measures are adopted, a tender, pink lump that looks like a pimple is a sign of infection. You should consider seeing your doctor for medical treatment of infected bumps on a pierced nose.
Nose piercing bump keeps coming back
Do nose piercing bumps in your nose keep coming back? If this happens, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition that require medical attention as soon as possible. You should ensure that the bumps are completely cured of any underlying cause to avoid them coming back.
If during the first nose piercing you picked up a viral or bacterial infection and then you developed a bump, then you treated it with over-the-counter medications, it is most likely that you treated the symptoms not the underlying condition. For that reason, the bump will keep on coming back until you completely get rid of the infection.
To eradicate this condition, visit a professional health care provider who will diagnose the condition by examining the infection. The kind of treatment prescribed will be able to heal the underlying cause and for this reason, the chances of the bump recurring in future will be unlikely.
Nose piercing bump care
Any piercing should be properly dressed. This is done to avoid the piercing picking up any infections, for preventing further injuries, and to accelerate the healing process of the piercings. It is a continuous process that involves:
- You should ensure that you use on clean beddings, clothes, and face towels that are free from germs.
- You should avoid touching the piercing, especially if it has not healed. In case you touch, you should ensure your hands are clean.
- You should keep your piercing clean, dry, and free from dirt and germs.
- You should not remove the jewelry from the piercing until the wound is completely healed.
- You should use the right care products that help ensure the piercing heals without disturbance.
Piercing bump care is important, if not done correctly; you could end up getting infections on your piercing.
How to get rid of nose piercing bump
Although nose piercing bumps may be painful and irritating, most dermatologists believe that the condition is not life-threatening especially under proper care. Here are some of the treatments that can be administered to get rid of such bumps:
1. Aspirin paste
Aspirin contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the redness, swelling and inflammation. When applied on the affected area, it helps remove the irritation and allow the infection to drain. The following is the procedure on how to prepare aspirin paste used to get rid of nose piercing lump:
- Crash aspirin tablets into fine powder
- Add a small amount of water to it to form a fine paste
- Using a clean cotton swab, apply that paste on the bump
- Use a clean cotton bandage to hold the paste in place
- Leave it overnight and rinse it off in the morning
- Repeat this procedure daily for a week. You will notice improvement, and if not, consult a doctor immediately
2. Honey
Honey contains anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties that make it an effective remedy for getting rid of bumps in the nose. Its healing properties enable it to easily combat bumps that develop after piercing. The following is the procedure on how to apply honey:
- Use a cotton ball to apply natural honey directly on the affected area
- Leave the honey on the bump for around 30 minutes
- Wash the skin with warm water and pat dry
- Repeat this procedure every day until the bump improves or heals
3. Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea contains powerful anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. The following is the procedure on how to use chamomile tea to get rid of nose piercing bump:
- Dip a few chamomile tea bags in hot water
- Leave the bags for about a minute and then pick one
- Use it to compress the affected part of your nose, hold it until it cools
- Repeat this procedure around three times a day.
4. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains anti-bacterial properties that make it an effective remedy to get rid of nose piercing bump. The following is the procedure on how to apply this product:
- Mix the apple cider vinegar with water to avoid being overpowered by the smell
- Apply some amount of this mix on the bump
- Repeat this on daily basis until the bump improves or heals
5. Cold compress
Ice is a common home remedy known to reduce the swelling and inflammation of bumps on the skin. Ice could help in improving blood circulation of the skin of the affected area of the nose. The following is how you apply ice to get rid of piercing bump:
- Cover ice cubes with a clean cloth
- Place the cloth with cubes on the affected area of your nose
- Repeat this more frequently until the swelling heals.
6. Cleaning with saline solution
Cleaning your nose with salty water is commonly used at home to prevent bacterial infections and the formation of boil and abscess on a pierced nose. This is because salt is known to contain anti-itching, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that could be used to prevent nose piercing bumps.
- The following is the procedure on how to apply this remedy;
- Add one tablespoon of kitchen salt in a bowl with warm water
- Mix gently to attain a fine mixture
- Soak a clean face towel and gently clean the area around the nose bump
- Repeat this twice or thrice a day
- You can also gently press the whole nose. This helps to fasten the healing process
7. Baking soda
Baking soda helps exfoliate the skin properly by helping get rid of excess oil and dirt on your skin. It is used alongside other home ingredients to make solutions. The following is the procedures on how to use baking soda remove the piercing bump in your nose:
- Mix baking soda with lemon juice to make a thick paste
- Apply the paste on the affected area of your nose
- Allow the paste to dry for several minutes
- After the paste dries, wash your face with warm water
- Repeat this procedure twice every day until the bump on your nose disappears.
8. Lemon juice
Lemon is rich in vitamin C and could therefore guarantee that it will dry the nose piercing bump. The following is the procedure on how to apply lemon juice more effectively:
- Obtain a fresh lemon and cut into small pieces
- Squeeze them to obtain the juice
- Dilute with some water
- Apply it on the affected area three times a day
- Repeat the procedure daily until the bump clears
9. Clean the pierced nose daily
You should keep your nose piercing clean through use of antibacterial soap or a saline solution. This helps in treating the bump among other discomforts in the piercing site.
Other treatment options may include:
Surgery: This procedure is recommended by a dermatologist to those with large and very painful piercing bumps
Antibiotic cream and gel could be applied in case the cause of the bumps in the nose is as a result of bacterial infection. The antibiotics can be obtained from over the counter or be prescribed by your healthcare provider.
Steroid injection may be used to shrink a large nose piercing bumps, either inside or outside of the nose.
10. Nose piercing bump tea tree oil
Tea tree oil contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties that gives it the ability to treat infected nose piercing bumps. The following is how you apply this product in order to get rid of bumps in nose along other various skin blemishes:
- Buy dilute tea tree oil from local stores- you should note that pure tea tree oil may cause irritation especially if you have a sensitive skin
- Dip a clean cotton ball in the oil and place it on the bump
- Place the cotton ball on the affected area of your nose for about 10 minutes
- Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times a day to make it effective- you should also ensure that you rinse your face afterwards.
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